A Love Story
What conditions could be more perfect for romance than balmy summer days in rural Vermont? And, thanks to the s-l-o-w current of the Gihon River, these two raw, bloodied bodies encounter each other for the first time. “A Love Story” follows the chance meeting and courtship between these two limb-like forms. Tommy James and the Shondells 1968 song Crimson and Clover sets a familiar and nostalgic tone as images of the unfamiliar and abject float and dance in the video. Meanwhile, a flashback of invasive probing and poking complicates what is otherwise a sweet affair.
Installation and video. papier-mâché, chicken wire, water color, latex paint, polyfil, fake flowers, plastic eggs, and oil pastel.

Udder Love
water color, latex paint, oil pastel, tissue paper, and fake flowers on canvas
9ft x 12 ft

You can have what I have now, if you really believe it
Performance and installation in Rosa Nussbaum’s Bathtub